Archive for June, 2007

Back from Gaming

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Hello, all, ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisbon is a very quiet place at 5AM on a Monday morning, which is the time we finally rolled the car into the garage after a gruelling, yet utterly satisfying, eleven-day RPG marathon retreat.

Yes, that’s right, eleven days. We left home just before midnight on Wednesday, the 6th, bound for the Algarve, a place called Chinicato (just outside the city of Lagos, and no, not Nigeria), which is about a two and a half hour drive. Then, for eleven straight days, we did nothing but eat, sleep and play RPGs.

We played Spirit of the Century, Dust Devils, Sorcerer and Mortail Coil, but mostly, we played Primetime Adventures. A whole five-episode-plus-pilot season, which, incidentally, marked my wife’s debut as head of the table, and she did a great job, so make sure to pat her on the back next time you see her!

As available time and energy permit, I’ll be posting Actual Play for all that stuff at the Forge (where else), and I’ll be editing this post for links, so stay tuned and be patient. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, it was a good week-and-a-half, but there’s no place like home, and I can’t wait to get back to my regularly scheduled weekly gaming.

In other news, it looks like my new anti-spam thingie isn’t working either. Bah…

Go Play!


2007-06-23: PTA Actual Play
2007-07-21: Sorcerer I Actual Play

Anatomy of a D&D Campaign

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Hello, all, ๐Ÿ™‚

Six months and a couple of posts ago, I injected a few paragraphs on a D&D campaign I’ve been running, and I was asked to expand on what changed, what didn’t, how I play, how I don’t, do I like the rain, what about the color green interests me, and a bunch of other assorted queries of varied relevance.

Today, on the eve of our next RPG retreat, I decided to get this task out of the way. So, without further ado, I present to you an Anatomy of a Campaign!


The Slumberer Awakens

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Ahoy, ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeah, I been dormant!

But I’m awake again, or at least hopefully so. I got things to say again, and slowly but surely, I’m getting my life back onto its usual rhythm.

One, I finally managed to organize another RPG retreat. I’m not exactly sure where we’ll be going, yet, but I’m sure we’ll be going somewhere. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m up for eleven days of non-stop RPGing! ๐Ÿ™‚ When I come back, I expect to post about it, so keep tuned.

Two, I’m finally gearing up to post a response to an oldย request. Apparently, folks (well, some of them) want to know how I set up my D&D campaign, and why I set it up like that, so I’ll oblige and answer.

Three, I started a traditional campaign myself. ๐Ÿ™‚ I never said it was a bad thing, I just said it was a thing, so there! We’re playing Bushido, by Bob Charrette and Paul Hume, the folks that later brought us that pearl of RPG lore that is ShadowRun.

Four, techie stuff, I’m a geek and I proudly admit it. You don’t believe me? Check out Geek By Proxy, my wife’s blog. Well, it’s empty right now, seeing as we just set it up, but the sheer fact that we did set it up should impress you no end. Be impressed!

That be it. I’ll try to keep awake, now.

Go Play!
