Archive for June, 2006

Something to Check Out

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Hi, 🙂

While I get ready to write up lengthy Actual Play stuff from my retreat, check out ICSI, a drill by Joshua “El Fuego” BishopRoby.

I’ve always known I wasn’t the only one in the world to ever grasp the Mother May I concept. Still, when someone else writes something insightful about it, it surprises the hell out of me, and I am left reeling in wonder of how I used to play like this all the time and not know it.


June Retreat – Game Report

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Ahey, all, 🙂

I’m back!

It was an awesome, awesome week, and now, it’s over and I’m back. I can’t say I wish it had been longer, but then again, I can’t say I wish it had been shorter, either. Seems to me it was just the right amount of time for what we wanted to do!

We played:

  • Shadow of Yesterday – a seven-session story arc that we forced to converge at the end
  • The 101 – test play of a game being developed here in Lisbon
  • Torchbearer – playtesting the concept of generating mythology through play
  • My Life With Master – started, but we ran out of inner fuel to keep going

Over the next few days, I plan to write up extensive Actual Play reports, both here and at The Forge, and maybe even at Story Games. I’ll get started just as soon as I get my notes together.


June Retreat

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Hey, all, 🙂

In just two days, I’ll be leaving for my annual* June retreat. This is my going away post and I’m brimming with anticipation, can you tell? 🙂

Because of the way the holidays landed this year, it’s gonna be an extended one. Holidays on a Tuesday and a Thursday in the same week. Only in Portugal! What a country… (oh, and just so you know, I’m saying this is a bad thing, even though I’m totally using it for my retreat!)


Coherence at the game table

Monday, June 5th, 2006

Hello, all, 🙂

Yesterday, I had another excellent session of Shadow of Yesterday. While the game is proving to be consistent uncompromising fun, lessons to be learned as regards the nature of role-playing itself are naturally becoming fewer and fewer as our grasp of the mechanics and the game mode increases.

Still, I learned a valuable lesson about coherence at the table, not only from the sessions themselves but also from pre- and post-play talk about what had happened in the previous session and what happened in this one.
