Hello, 🙂
Well, this was a weird weekend for me, not only RP-wise, but in general.
We had an interesting session of Dogs in the Vineyard on Friday, but I don’t want to go too far into that before we actually get to finish the town. We also put together a new PTA season, but again, play has yet to begin, so nothing to advance on that front.
Also, back and forth and back and forth, I drove a grand total of 250km, on Saturday. Tiring, I tell you.
All this to say, I don’t have much to advance regarding interesting actual play, today. So, I thought I’d take this moment to point something out: Every once in a while, I try to engage someone in conversation and use terms from the Big Model, like GNS and stuff, and I get glazed look, or worse yet, a response along the lines of “we’re not interested in theory, we just want to have fun”.
The thing is, GNS and the Big Model isn’t really theory. All it is is language. It’s a dictionary, created so that different people can talk about their games and actually communicate with each other, instead of talking past each other with empty catch phrases like “this is role-play, not roll-play”.
But wait. If GNS isn’t theory, then what is?
Anyone want to see what actual theory looks like? Check out this thread. Then, tell me if you want to talk about theory or not. 🙂